Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Drama. Drama. Drama

     I only have one more test for finals! I'm jumping with joy and I feel like all the pressure is lifted off of me. But being my procrastinating self, I set aside studying for science and began blogging. Oops.

     These last few days have been full of drama though. And I'm not the good kind of drama like theatre. It had to happen during finals week too. Why couldn't it occur when I don't have anything to do? Why does it even happen? Why does it have to be me? Why won't I stop asking rhetorical questions and fill my readers in on what happened?

     Okay, I'll tell you.
  • Scenario A:
     So I was invited to an ugly sweater party and so were all of my friends. Well, except for one. The host of the party, "Effie" (That will be her made up name) made a well bonded friendship with "Beetee" (made up as well), "Wiress" (the pattern continues), and myself in sixth grade. We were unbreakable. This is how bonded our friendship was (note the pun).

     Then seventh grade came and Wiress and Effie drifted away, but they still were friends. Sort of. The party invitations were passed out; however, Wiress did not receive an invitation. I was my usual curious self and confronted Effie and asked her why Wiress was not invited. She replied saying:
     "We just don't talk anymore and we're not really friends." Okay, that sounds okay to me. I told Wiress, not trying to issue harm. Effie confronted me in the hallway and said that I was just trying to start stuff. Aca-perdón (what I say instead of Aca-scuse me). I talked to her, but my phone died. At least things are less tense. I think.

  • Scenario B:
     I have this crush on this girl who will be named "Katniss" (fake name once again). Katniss is sooo sweet. Oh goodness, what if she's reading my blog right now? I sure hope not. Anyways, I only told two people and made them promise not to tell a soul. Of course I should've never trusted one of those people.
     Now my best friend knows, and I planned to not let my close friends know. Looks like that was a fail.

     Morals of the stories:
  • Curiosity killed the cat
  • Keep a secret to yourself
      Sorry for bugging the people who hate drama. Just needed to get this off my chest.

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